Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Student of the month - Questions

1. How are you involved with the school?
2. What extra curricular activities are you involved in outside of school?
3. What is your relationship with your teachers?
4. How do you cope with stress?
5. What are your standards for your grades?
6. What motivates you to be so involved?
7. How do you keep your schedule balanced?
8. How often do you feel overwhelmed?
9. Who has had the most impact on your achievements? How?
10. What classes do you take?
11. What are your plans after high school?
12. How often do you get the chance to relax?
13. About how much sleep do you get per night?
14. What are some of your test taking strategies?
15. What is your opinion on students who have a bad attitude?
16. How does your schedule interact with your social life?
17. How often do you find yourself feeling unmotivated?
18. What kind of environment do you do your homework in?
19. How does it feel to be student of the month?
20. What advice do you have for students that want to succeed like you?

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