Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Portfolio Analysis

Video 1
a) Jordan Murph
b) Sports & people recovering from injuries
c) The judges didn't like how he used the same colors and point of view in a few photos. They also thought some of the photos were too posed, he had already had good action shots. His photo story had plain photos that didn't have a clear subject and they didn't have enough to actually tell a story.
d) He captured people at the perfect moment and from a good perspective that kept everything in the frame. He used good light exposure on the athletes. His photos started out really strong but they didn't end as great.
e) In the beginning the photographer had very good and clear action shots that really caught the exciting moments during the sports activities. Towards the end his photos became more of nothing. They got very plain and nothing much was going on in them. It was hard to find the story he was trying to tell.

Video 2
a) Justin Mott
b) tragedies
c) The judges thought he needed to focus some of his photos better. He also needed to some work on building portfolios. Some of his photos needed a little something more to better tell the story. On one of the photos he had mergers that cut out soldiers' heads which the judges did not like.
d) Overall the judges thought he had really good photos. He did good with changing point of view and depth of field. His photos had really good, strong subjects and he captured them the right way to tell their story.
e) Overall he had very good photos that really told a story. The setting and condition of the people was really powerful and moving. His light exposure was good and I like how he put the photos in black and white, it made them even more  dramatic then they already were.

Video 3
a) Sam Adams
b) biking & other sports & people just moving
c) The judges thought some of the photos were too simple. They also didn't like the perspective that the photographer used. Sometimes he included things in the photo that weren't needed and took away from the subject. All he had to do was move to a different location that didn't show these certain things.
d) The judges liked the action he was trying to capture in the photos. In one of the photos he shot girls while they were getting hit with a soccer ball and he did really good at capturing the action and reaction.
e) I felt indifferent with his photos. He had really cool subjects but he didn't change location enough to really capture how dramatic the action was. In some of his photos he had a motion blur that I really liked and they worked with the action.

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