Wednesday, March 30, 2016

school uniforms


1. Principal - Mr. Kane
2. Superintendent - Dr. Paul Cruz
3. Assistant Principal - Mr. Trevino


1. What ideas led to the decision of school uniforms?
2. What benefits are expected to come out of this?
3. How is this expected to work out financially?
4. How will the uniforms be chosen for each school?
5. What are possible punishments for students who impose?
6. Are uniforms expected to improve the students'  academics? Why?
7. Will there be any exceptions for students not wearing uniforms?
8. What is your opinion on school uniforms?
9. What if a student cannot afford this?
10. How may uniforms benefit the teachers?
11. How do you think students will respond to this?
12. When will these uniforms actually be put into action?
13. How are uniforms expected improve the school?
14. What were some thoughts on taking away students' freedom of self expression?
15. How long do you think school uniforms will last in AISD?
16. What were some thoughts on how high school students may react to this?
17. How long has the idea of school uniforms been pending.
18. What are some thoughts on how uniforms will be distributed?
19. When will students be expected to begin wearing school uniforms?
20. How aware is the board of all the controversy this new rule will bring to schools?

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