Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Sensory Overload

1. I agree and disagree with this statement because the objects that people buy and surround themselves with tells a lot about the certain things they value and how they view their community. At the same time, a place's buildings and architecture tells about peoples' different ways of life and how they survive in their environment. This made me realize that the different things you capture in an environment can tell completely different stories about its people.

2. Yes the photos did make me want to visit this place because it was so unique and colorful. Nothing was the same and every time you'd move around, you'd seem something new. These small shops are very different compared to the stores here in the United States.

3. It would probably get boring and/or tiring because you'd have to see the same thing everyday and nothing changes for you. At the same time you're forced to work so hard in such a tight space that it wouldn't be enjoyable.

4. My favorite photo was the of with the shelves and sacks of all the inflatable balls and toys. There were so many different colors and designs that it was hard to look away. This commodity shop was nothing I had ever seen.

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