Friday, March 11, 2016

Architecture Preview

Nautilus House, Mexico

1. The Nautilus house was designed by Mexican architect Javier Senosiain of Arquitectura Organica.
2. It was built in 2006 and finally completed in 2007.
3. It is located in Mexico City.
4. The house is privately owned by a couple and their two children.
5. It cost about $218,000 to build.
6. A young couple was living in an integrated house and wanted to change things up and live in a house integrated with nature.
7. This house caught my eye because it was nothing like I had ever seen. I loved the shape and pretty colors and I really wanted to read more. When I saw the inside I was so amazed at how modern the rooms and furniture were. All the pictures made me interested and want to read more.

La Pedrera, Spain

1. La Pedrera was designed by Antoni Gaudi.
2. It was built in 1910.
3. La Pedrera is located in Barcelona, Spain.
4. It is a public building that allows visitors.
5. It cost $500,000 pesetas.
6. Pere Mila wanted to construct a building of rental flats on her husband's land.
7. I am really drawn to Spain's architecture because it is very dated and unique. The building's wavy shape and elegant railing really interested me. Once I saw the bird's eye view I was completely sold by the building's beauty.

Habitat 67, Canada

1. Habitat 67 was built by Moshe Safdie.
2. It was built in 1967.
3. It is located in Montreal, Canada.
4. Habitat 67 is a public place that you may visit. It is a housing complex. 
5. It cost $22,195,920.
6. Habitat 67 was built as an experiment to make a fundamentally better and cheaper housing for the masses. It was to create suburban homes with privacy and multileveled  environments. 
7. To me the building looked very modern and urban. I really liked the building's cubic structure and nice environment. I also like how the cubes aren't just stacked nicely like legos, but they are placed oddly and create weird spaces and an overall unique shape. 

Cubic Houses, Netherlands

1. The Cubic Houses were designed by Piet Blom.
2. It was built in 1977. 
3. It is located in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
4. These houses are privately owned homes, however one is always open to visitors. 
5. I could not find the cost of the building. 
6. Blom was asked to build housing over a pedestrian bridge. His intentions were for each house to represent an abstract tree so all together it looks like a forest.
7. These houses really drew me in and raised my curiosity. They made me wonder how people live their everyday lives in a house that is tilted at a 45 degree angle. I really like how all the houses lean on a each other and all together they make a nice view. I also like how they create a little community in the middle. The design on the outside with the odd window placement and a lot of lines looks cool.

Guggenheim Museum, Spain 

1. The Guggenheim Museum was designed by Frank Gehry.
2. It was built in 1997. 
3. The museum is located in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.
4. It is a museum open to the public.
5. It cost $100 million to create.
6. The museum was built to host thematic exhibits with the work of Basque artists.
7. Spain has once again pleased me with its amazing architecture. I really like the overall shape of the building, its simple yet very complex. I like how it has levels and as you go up the building gradually gets thinner. 

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