Thursday, March 31, 2016

My first interview

Ivy Freels 

1. She is a varsity cheerleader for Bowie. She is also in art, theater, and photojournalism.
2. Ivy does competitions with the All Star cheerleading team at Texas Power Athletics. She is a big sister for someone on her cheer team. She also does volunteer work in her spare time.
3. Ivy has a great relationship with her teachers because she is cool. She feels very comfortable with them and is not afraid to speak her mind.
4. She copes with stress by eating, shopping, and watching Netflix.
5. All Ivy needs is to pass her classes, though she does strive for straight A's
6. Ivy's little sister motivates her because she wants to set a good example. Glitter also motivates her because she wants to be as fabulous as it is.
7. She always makes sure there is enough time to poop between activities because she wants to stay healthy. She also makes sure there is time for her family and friends so she can stay well rounded.
8. Ivy feels overwhelmed a lot because she has a lot of pressure on her.
9. Lady Gaga motivates Ivy because they are alike in many ways. She is inspired to be like her and she views her as sort of a mother figure.
10. Ivy takes Pre-AP world geography and biology. She takes regular english and algebra. She has chosen these classes to balance her work load.
11. Ivy hopes to become a college cheerleader after college. She wants to get a bachelors degree in whatever major she will decide later.
12. Her schedule is only open on Friday nights because that is the only day she does not have cheer.
13. She gets about 7 hours and 30 minutes of sleep each night.
14. During tests Ivy reads questions multiple times so she can get a better understanding. Then she crosses out the answers she knows is wrong then picks the correct answer. She almost always picks the right answer.
15. She does not like students with a bad attitude because she feels they are just jealous of her and she doesn't understand why they don't just ask her for tips on how to be like her.
16. Ivy does not have much time for friends in her schedule but during the time she does she has a lot of fun and tries to make it last.
17. She often finds herself unmotivated every morning when she wakes up at 6:45.
18. When Ivy does her homework she prefers to be at her desk in her room with candles lit around her. She plays music so if she gets unmotivated she just dances around a little.
19. Ivy feels bomb as freak to be student of the month and she feels like she deserved it. She feels that she should be student of the year.
20. Ivy says that anyone who wants to be like her should give up because they will never be as good as her.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Student of the month - Questions

1. How are you involved with the school?
2. What extra curricular activities are you involved in outside of school?
3. What is your relationship with your teachers?
4. How do you cope with stress?
5. What are your standards for your grades?
6. What motivates you to be so involved?
7. How do you keep your schedule balanced?
8. How often do you feel overwhelmed?
9. Who has had the most impact on your achievements? How?
10. What classes do you take?
11. What are your plans after high school?
12. How often do you get the chance to relax?
13. About how much sleep do you get per night?
14. What are some of your test taking strategies?
15. What is your opinion on students who have a bad attitude?
16. How does your schedule interact with your social life?
17. How often do you find yourself feeling unmotivated?
18. What kind of environment do you do your homework in?
19. How does it feel to be student of the month?
20. What advice do you have for students that want to succeed like you?

school uniforms


1. Principal - Mr. Kane
2. Superintendent - Dr. Paul Cruz
3. Assistant Principal - Mr. Trevino


1. What ideas led to the decision of school uniforms?
2. What benefits are expected to come out of this?
3. How is this expected to work out financially?
4. How will the uniforms be chosen for each school?
5. What are possible punishments for students who impose?
6. Are uniforms expected to improve the students'  academics? Why?
7. Will there be any exceptions for students not wearing uniforms?
8. What is your opinion on school uniforms?
9. What if a student cannot afford this?
10. How may uniforms benefit the teachers?
11. How do you think students will respond to this?
12. When will these uniforms actually be put into action?
13. How are uniforms expected improve the school?
14. What were some thoughts on taking away students' freedom of self expression?
15. How long do you think school uniforms will last in AISD?
16. What were some thoughts on how high school students may react to this?
17. How long has the idea of school uniforms been pending.
18. What are some thoughts on how uniforms will be distributed?
19. When will students be expected to begin wearing school uniforms?
20. How aware is the board of all the controversy this new rule will bring to schools?

Architecture shoot




Shapes & Angles


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Portfolio Analysis

Video 1
a) Jordan Murph
b) Sports & people recovering from injuries
c) The judges didn't like how he used the same colors and point of view in a few photos. They also thought some of the photos were too posed, he had already had good action shots. His photo story had plain photos that didn't have a clear subject and they didn't have enough to actually tell a story.
d) He captured people at the perfect moment and from a good perspective that kept everything in the frame. He used good light exposure on the athletes. His photos started out really strong but they didn't end as great.
e) In the beginning the photographer had very good and clear action shots that really caught the exciting moments during the sports activities. Towards the end his photos became more of nothing. They got very plain and nothing much was going on in them. It was hard to find the story he was trying to tell.

Video 2
a) Justin Mott
b) tragedies
c) The judges thought he needed to focus some of his photos better. He also needed to some work on building portfolios. Some of his photos needed a little something more to better tell the story. On one of the photos he had mergers that cut out soldiers' heads which the judges did not like.
d) Overall the judges thought he had really good photos. He did good with changing point of view and depth of field. His photos had really good, strong subjects and he captured them the right way to tell their story.
e) Overall he had very good photos that really told a story. The setting and condition of the people was really powerful and moving. His light exposure was good and I like how he put the photos in black and white, it made them even more  dramatic then they already were.

Video 3
a) Sam Adams
b) biking & other sports & people just moving
c) The judges thought some of the photos were too simple. They also didn't like the perspective that the photographer used. Sometimes he included things in the photo that weren't needed and took away from the subject. All he had to do was move to a different location that didn't show these certain things.
d) The judges liked the action he was trying to capture in the photos. In one of the photos he shot girls while they were getting hit with a soccer ball and he did really good at capturing the action and reaction.
e) I felt indifferent with his photos. He had really cool subjects but he didn't change location enough to really capture how dramatic the action was. In some of his photos he had a motion blur that I really liked and they worked with the action.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Architecture Preview

Nautilus House, Mexico

1. The Nautilus house was designed by Mexican architect Javier Senosiain of Arquitectura Organica.
2. It was built in 2006 and finally completed in 2007.
3. It is located in Mexico City.
4. The house is privately owned by a couple and their two children.
5. It cost about $218,000 to build.
6. A young couple was living in an integrated house and wanted to change things up and live in a house integrated with nature.
7. This house caught my eye because it was nothing like I had ever seen. I loved the shape and pretty colors and I really wanted to read more. When I saw the inside I was so amazed at how modern the rooms and furniture were. All the pictures made me interested and want to read more.

La Pedrera, Spain

1. La Pedrera was designed by Antoni Gaudi.
2. It was built in 1910.
3. La Pedrera is located in Barcelona, Spain.
4. It is a public building that allows visitors.
5. It cost $500,000 pesetas.
6. Pere Mila wanted to construct a building of rental flats on her husband's land.
7. I am really drawn to Spain's architecture because it is very dated and unique. The building's wavy shape and elegant railing really interested me. Once I saw the bird's eye view I was completely sold by the building's beauty.

Habitat 67, Canada

1. Habitat 67 was built by Moshe Safdie.
2. It was built in 1967.
3. It is located in Montreal, Canada.
4. Habitat 67 is a public place that you may visit. It is a housing complex. 
5. It cost $22,195,920.
6. Habitat 67 was built as an experiment to make a fundamentally better and cheaper housing for the masses. It was to create suburban homes with privacy and multileveled  environments. 
7. To me the building looked very modern and urban. I really liked the building's cubic structure and nice environment. I also like how the cubes aren't just stacked nicely like legos, but they are placed oddly and create weird spaces and an overall unique shape. 

Cubic Houses, Netherlands

1. The Cubic Houses were designed by Piet Blom.
2. It was built in 1977. 
3. It is located in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
4. These houses are privately owned homes, however one is always open to visitors. 
5. I could not find the cost of the building. 
6. Blom was asked to build housing over a pedestrian bridge. His intentions were for each house to represent an abstract tree so all together it looks like a forest.
7. These houses really drew me in and raised my curiosity. They made me wonder how people live their everyday lives in a house that is tilted at a 45 degree angle. I really like how all the houses lean on a each other and all together they make a nice view. I also like how they create a little community in the middle. The design on the outside with the odd window placement and a lot of lines looks cool.

Guggenheim Museum, Spain 

1. The Guggenheim Museum was designed by Frank Gehry.
2. It was built in 1997. 
3. The museum is located in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.
4. It is a museum open to the public.
5. It cost $100 million to create.
6. The museum was built to host thematic exhibits with the work of Basque artists.
7. Spain has once again pleased me with its amazing architecture. I really like the overall shape of the building, its simple yet very complex. I like how it has levels and as you go up the building gradually gets thinner. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Action shoot

The subject is running at me.

The subject is running across the plane of camera.

Panning Photo

Blur Photo

Sensory Overload

1. I agree and disagree with this statement because the objects that people buy and surround themselves with tells a lot about the certain things they value and how they view their community. At the same time, a place's buildings and architecture tells about peoples' different ways of life and how they survive in their environment. This made me realize that the different things you capture in an environment can tell completely different stories about its people.

2. Yes the photos did make me want to visit this place because it was so unique and colorful. Nothing was the same and every time you'd move around, you'd seem something new. These small shops are very different compared to the stores here in the United States.

3. It would probably get boring and/or tiring because you'd have to see the same thing everyday and nothing changes for you. At the same time you're forced to work so hard in such a tight space that it wouldn't be enjoyable.

4. My favorite photo was the of with the shelves and sacks of all the inflatable balls and toys. There were so many different colors and designs that it was hard to look away. This commodity shop was nothing I had ever seen.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Sports Photography Warm up

1. The photo is apart of a winning sports portfolio because it captures an exciting moment in a game. The photo is very clear with no motion blur and you can really see what's happening and have a better connection with the photo.

2. This photo was taken with a high shutter speed.

3. This is a key moment because it captures the players' excitement and reaction to their great achievement. This could not have been planned because a photographer has no way of knowing who will win a game and exactly where and when to go when players decide to celebrate.

4. The photographer used a high shutter speed to capture the action of the water falling. He also got leveled with the people and took the photo from a good angle. This is an action shot of the football players' reaction to their big win.