Monday, October 26, 2015

Great black & white photographers - PART 3

1. When I first saw Tina Modotti's photos I immediately saw that they told a story. She captured people going through hardships that they call life. Her photos show how fortunate we are to be living the way we do and to be grateful for what we have.

2. I see two women who are holding baskets on top of their heads. They're in a barren region with no sign of life near by. They're smiling and don't seem to mind having to stand in the horrid heat.                      
I smell the contents inside of the baskets lingering in the air. As I continue my trek, the aroma is weakening me and making me hungry.
I taste the stale air swirling around me. It picks up all the dirt and debris and tosses it in my mouth.
I hear the wind whistling through the air. The branches in the lifeless trees shake like maracas.
I feel the shards of rock digging into my skin, and the pebbles sliding through my toes. The hot sand is scalding the bottom of my feet. All while the wind passes through my clothing and the sun's rays beat down on me.

I see a boy carrying a stack of hay on his back. He seems to be in a more country setting. Unlike the last photo, he looks miserable to be standing in the heat with such a large load over weighing his back.
I smell musty sweat dripping from the boy's forehead as he struggles to keep walking.
I taste the crisp air surrounding the scene. The straws of hay are blowing in my mouth and leave me cringing in disgust.
I hear the boy's footsteps pounding on the ground as he continues on his brutal walk.
I feel compassionate for the boy. He looks so miserable to be doing such labor in the blazing sun. I feel very lucky and fortunate to live a life where my only job is to go to school and get good grades.

3. To share all of Tina Modotti's captivating photos, I would make a poster explaining her journey and how she came to be a photographer. In addition, I would paste some of my favorite photos by her.

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