Friday, October 30, 2015

Africa & abandoned theme parks

1. As I was reading about Nick Brandt's techniques I was inspired by all the things he goes through just to take one photo. Once I actually saw his work I was completely captivated. I realized that all the waiting and risks he takes is worth the beautiful pictures he captures. His photos are fascinating and really show the beauty of wild life and nature.


3. This was my favorite photo because instead of the lion just standing, he's actually crying out for something. It showed the superiority of the lion and living its roll of "king of the jungle". In addition, the lion is my favorite animal, and I think Nick Brandt did an over all good job of capturing them in their natural habitat.

4. In this photo Brandt used the rule of simplicity. The background is simple and clear of any distracting objects so you can completely focus on the lion.

5. Brandt uses a Pentax 67 rather than a telephoto or zoom lens. He believes that actually being close to the animal is important rather than standing at a distance and zooming in. He believes it makes a difference in his ability to reveal their personality.

6. When Brandt takes these photos he is interested in showing the animals in their state of being before they cease to exist. He says the world is under terrible threat and is vanishing before our eyes.

7. He hopes to show people the harm they have done and what beautiful creatures they are killing. He wants to inspire people to donate money and try to keep these animals on our earth for as long as possible.

8. "Why the animals of Africa in particular? And more particularly still, East Africa? There is perhaps something more profoundly iconic, mythical, mythological even, about the animals of East Africa... There is something deeply deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa - the vast green rolling plains punctuated by by the graphically perfect acacia trees."

Abandoned theme parks

1. If I got to visit one of these parks and take photos I would want to go to Takakanonuma Greenland, Hobara, Japan. This park's rides were the most rustic and unique. These qualities gave the park more personalityand makes it more interesting to shoot. I would want to take pictures from high places and get the park from a birds eye view.


3. unusual places to take photos
  • On the top of a skyscraper 
  • Abandoned buildings in small towns
  • Abandoned water parks
  • Open farmland
  • Underground tunnels/caves 
Abandoned water park in California
5. I think an abandoned water would be interesting for all the same reasons of an abandoned theme park. A place that was once used and now abandoned gives it so much character and such exotic an  feeling. If I were to shoot here, I would take pictures on all of the slides from different angles. I would also take photos like the one above, with people doing something interesting on the slides, like riding a skateboard. I would also want to go to the highest point of the park and take a picture from birds eye view of all the slides integrating and swirling into one another.

6. To make this photo shoot possible, I would need money to cover traveling expenses. I would also need a camera because I don't already own one. As far as the law, I'm unsure if you need permission from a specific person to enter the park.

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