Saturday, October 10, 2015

Academic post-shoot reflection

1. This photo is an example of avoiding mergers. The two girls at the top got their heads a little cropped out of the photo.

2. The subject of the photos is the all the girls doing their homework.

3. In my opinion, the subject is very clear. At the same time, someone else might be confused if you're supposed to be focusing on the girl who is to the left of everyone.

4. When I was shooting, I should of had the girl to the left sit in the chair next to her, so all the girls could be next to each other. Then I would have shot at a different angle to capture all the girls together at the table without any mergers.

1. In this photo I used the rule of lines. There are several objects in this photo that have lines leading to the subject.

2. The photo of this subject is the girl working on her art.

3. I think the subject of this photo was clearly shown.

4. To make this photo better, I could have shot from a higher angle so I wouldn't have gotten all those distracting books in the background.

1. In this photo, I used the rule of thirds. The subject of my photo is placed to the left, making the picture more interesting.

2. The subject of my photo is the girl in the front, typing on her computer.

3. The subject of the photo somewhat clear, but there were some things I could have done to make it more obvious.

4. I could have shot from a lower angle so the picture could be more focused on the girl in the front typing.

1. In this photo, I used the rule of balance. On both sides of the picture there is a girl holding up a camera.
2. The subject of this photo is the two girls holding up a camera and taking a photo of what is in front of them.
3. The subject is clear because there are no distracting items in the picture that take your focus away from the girls.
4. Nothing was needed.

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