Sunday, October 18, 2015

Academic shoot reflection & critique


1. When I was getting the photos, I had a hard time trying to include the rules of photography while  was taking my pictures.
2. I was really focusing on filling the frame with captivating subjects that make you interested what the students were doing or thinking. I didn't want to capture something small and boring.
3. If I got the chance to do this again, I would focus more on the angles of my photos. A lot of the pictures I had could've been better if they were shot from a different perspective. A different view of things can make a more clear subject and help achieve the rules of photography.
4. If I had to do something the same, I would still come close to my subjects like I did rather being far apart to where you can't even tell what the subject is.
5. I think rule of thirds is easiest to achieve. All you have to do is take the photo from an angle in which your subject is put off center.
6. I think framing is the most challenging rule to capture. your subject won't always be by other objects that'll surround them and create a frame.
7. I'm still not completely clear on the rule of balance and how to capture a good picture with this rule. Too get a better understanding, I can look at more examples to get me familiar with what this rule requires.


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