Sunday, September 27, 2015

Academic shoot preview

Best Story
The story here is being told by the placement and balance of everything in the photo. Everyone in the picture is wearing  winter clothes, from this I analyzed that it is holiday season. Then I noticed that the people on the left, giving food, are young. From this I figured that for the good of the community, students came together to feed the homeless.

Action and Emotion
The photographer took this picture at the perfect moment. It looks like s/he froze time and took the photo right when the experiment's reaction was at its highest point. At the same time, she captured the girls' facial expressions which gives the audience a feel of how excited and surprised they were. Action and emotion worked very well together to make this picture more interesting. 
Filling the frame
This photo is filled with several amused students that are all staring at what seems to be a science experiment. Your attention is immediately drawn to the center of the table, where most of their hands are reaching out to touch a small cloud created by dry ice.

From the Jostens photo contest, I chose the picture of a boy in chemistry. He is wearing goggles and gloves, while pouring one green and one blue substance into a beaker, making a purple substance. Everything in the back is completely blurry.

1. I picked this photo because the colors really caught my attention. Then I was reeled in by how captivated and focused the boy was on his experiment.
2. This photo follows the rule of balance. Both sides of the picture have the boys hand pouring the the two liquids into the beaker.

1. I think I could take photos like these in e hall, where most science classes are.
2. I would feel most comfortable going to my science teachers classroom, but she doesn't do many interesting, hands on experiments.
3. As a photographer, I will have to think about where I stand and the way I hold the camera, while I'm taking the pictures.

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