Friday, September 18, 2015

Post shoot reflection

1. While I was trying to get the photos for the first 4 prompts, I struggled with finding something interesting to capture. I know that there are an abundance of things here at Bowie, but I have very little creativity.

2. During this photo shoot I was really paying attention on focusing my pictures. On our first day photos most of my pictures were blurry because I wasn't very familiar with how to work a camera. I've learned and improved from my mistake since then.

3. If we got to do the shoot again, I would try to think outside of the box and capture things that aren't so mainstream. I would also try to focus more on the rule of simplicity because a few of my pictures had some things in the back that took away from my photo's subject.

4. As I did last time, I would try to take at least one photo that is vertical. I liked doing that because it made my pictures look more diverse and not so uniform.


6. I would not want to do those prompts again because I prefer if we were given completely different words so we can come up with completely different ideas and photos.

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