Thursday, September 24, 2015

Photo manipulation and ethics

1. It all started April 1, 2009 when someone decided to clone and digitally manipulate pictures of Israel's new cabinet. What was supposed to be a foolish prank, actually turned out to be a terminal offense. Since then, people around the world have been using photoshop programs to manipulate photos of serious topics.

I think this type of photo editing is unethical. People shouldn't distort photos of people in such high power and authority. In addition, they shouldn't make jokes about something that could actually be a deliberate issue in the world.

In my opinion, this photo was the most unethical. Changing her teeth to make them look decayed was cruel and unnecessary. Doing this only made their magazine less attractive.
I thought that this was the least unethical photo. All they did was bring the mountains closer together, which actually gave the picture a more appealing look.

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