Monday, April 18, 2016

SNO online papers

Is Uber Really Safe?
1. Blake Gomez
2. He is addressing the safety issues of taking an Uber.
3. "It is perfectly okay to use Uber but people should be wary of the high risk involved with using it."
4. Yes, he said why people use Uber but also why they shouldn't.
5. He was a little wishy washy, he wrote more about why Ubers weren't safe but then he said "It is perfectly okay to use Uber" so I was confused on what his opinion really was.
6. No quotes
7. 2nd pov

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Coming Into La Joya
1. Melanie Gaxiola
2. She is talking about all the things she doesn't like about La Joya high school.
3. "I was also pretty lucky to move schools with my best friend, so I wasn't completely alone, but nonetheless, I made new friends rather quickly."
4. No, she just listed all the things she didn't like about the school and not what other people may think.
5. Yes, she was wishy washy. She made a list of all these things she hated about coming into this new school, but then at the end she talked about how it wasn't that bad and she felt lucky, so she never really had a straight opinion.
6. No quotes
7. 1st pov

What should you do when stopped by the police?
1. Rosalba Hernandez
2. This is about the appropriate way to act when you are pulled over by the police.
3. "Don't run or resist arrest. Also, don't complain or tell the police they're wrong or that you're going to file a complaint."
4. Yes, he said what to do and what not to do in this situation.
5. No, he said what he thought was appropriate to do in this situation by stating facts and giving suggestions on how to act.
6. Yes, there was quotes.
7. 3rd pov

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