Friday, April 22, 2016

iMovie preview

1. iMovie is a simple to use and gives you a wide variety of choices. All you need to do is find your files,  place your videos or pictures in the timeline, and from there you can drag and drop in any order you'd like. From there you can add your own audio, speed, and other video editing effects.
The 3 main parts to iMovie is the view screen, clip spin, and timeline. The timeline is where you can view all the material that you have placed in your movie. The clip spin is where you get all the videos you want to place in your timeline. The view screen is where you watch your movie progress.
2. I already knew how to edit the speed and audio on my footage.
3. The timeline can be viewed at two different modes; the times mode and the clips mode.
4. I'm worried that I won't have enough photos to make up all my time. I'm also worried that my photos will be really really bad.
5. I'm confident that I will have my videos done and ready to use.
6. I think I'll make a cake and show the process and final product.

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