Thursday, April 14, 2016

opinions writing preview activity

Apple refuses to violate privacy of users
1. Editorial
2. The FBI is trying to get Apple to make a software that will allow them to see everything on someone's phone. Apple refuses to violate their consumers's privacy so the FBI must come up with another way to find evidence.
3. "Here, the risk isn't worth the potential consequences, which would be much worse for the country and all iPhone users."
4. Yes, he gives an alternative for the FBI.
5. No they were not wishy washy. S/he stated the facts and gave her/his opinion on why the FBI is wrong for doing this. S/he did not give any additional information that contradicted their opinion.
6. There are no quotes in the story.
7. 3rd pov

Drug dog investigations have students feeling as though their rights are being violated at school
1. Granger Coats
2. Though school safety is crucial, the rules and the way they handle student offenses isn't right and not fair to the students.                          
3. "Ultimately, it creates a sense of fear and hostility amongst teenagers. An overbearing force that has no place within the walls of a successful classroom."
4. Yes, he does say how our school needs safety and he supports the strengthening of effective security.
5. No, he stuck with his opinion and gave facts that supported his opinion.
6. There are no quotes.
7. 1st pov

Social media, back at it again
1. Alicia Molina
2. This story is about internet fame and the result of the famous "damn Daniel".
3. "I think that it's great that people are using their fame for good and they are not keeping it all to themselves, we need more people like Daniel and Josh who use fame for good."
4. No she just gave one side and opinion of the situation.
5. No, she shared her thoughts internet fame and didn't give any other contradicting details.
6. She quoted a tweet from Daniel and the saying "Damn Daniel".
7. 1st pov

Beyonce causes controversy
1. Fuaad Ajaz
2. This is about Beyoncé's formation video and the controversy it aroused.
3. "This goes to show how messed up America is right now."
4. Sort of, he gave his opinion and how he agreed with Beyoncé's views, he also shared a little of the way other American's think about black people.
5. No, he did really good at stating the facts of the Formation video that supported the topic of racism in America.
6. Yes
7. 3rd pov

Is the AP world history test worth it?
1. Mia Barbosa
2. This is about the benefits of taking the AP world history test.
3. "I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college."
4. Yes, she talks about why students wouldn't want to take the test but she gives solutions.
5. No, she states her opinion and backs it up with good reasoning and facts.
6. There are no quotes.
7. 1st pov

A. In a hard news story there are more quotes but in a opinion writing it's mostly just the writer speaking. In hard news you don't really have much of an opinion, you're just stating what has happened. For opinion writing there didn't seem to be much a format to follow, they just stated what they thought and backed it up.

B. I don't think there was photos because photos refer to a specific moment or event and in these writings they were just giving there opinion on an overall topic.

C. - Teachers taking students' phones
- should the STAAR be taken online
- scheduling for Bowie next year

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