Thursday, April 28, 2016

final exam planning

1. I will shoot this after school over the next few weeks.
2. I will shoot at my house.
3. I'll be documenting the process of my room being renovated. 
4. All I need is a camera and then everything it will take to remake my room.
5. I will take images take 1 photo per hour each day we are working on my room. At the beginning and at the end I will take a video going around my whole room to show all the progress that was made. During the videos I will narrate how my room started out and how it finished. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016

iMovie preview

1. iMovie is a simple to use and gives you a wide variety of choices. All you need to do is find your files,  place your videos or pictures in the timeline, and from there you can drag and drop in any order you'd like. From there you can add your own audio, speed, and other video editing effects.
The 3 main parts to iMovie is the view screen, clip spin, and timeline. The timeline is where you can view all the material that you have placed in your movie. The clip spin is where you get all the videos you want to place in your timeline. The view screen is where you watch your movie progress.
2. I already knew how to edit the speed and audio on my footage.
3. The timeline can be viewed at two different modes; the times mode and the clips mode.
4. I'm worried that I won't have enough photos to make up all my time. I'm also worried that my photos will be really really bad.
5. I'm confident that I will have my videos done and ready to use.
6. I think I'll make a cake and show the process and final product.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My opinions story

2016 was the first year that the class of 2019 students at Bowie high school had to take the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) on computers rather than paper.

This decision led to a lot of controversy that could have been avoided if we just stuck with the paper tests.

Though taking tests on computers goes faster, it can cause more mistakes to be made by the students since they can’t actually view things the same. Sometimes it is helpful for a student to annotate to help them figure out the right answer, but on a computer that is not an option.

This year any mathematic STAARs will be more difficult since students can’t show their work next to a problem. It will also be harder to analyze graphs or any other pictures because all you have is a computer screen, you can’t look closer or draw things that help you solve. Even though we have the option of using scratch paper, it’s not the same as actually getting to write on the test.

Students are already stressed enough about how hard the test will be, but now they have to worry about the complications of taking a test on the computer. This is something that can be helped and avoided.

It was also not fair to students that some had to go review their test again. For the students having to review it was not fair that they had to miss another day of classes for a mistake that they had no part in. On the other hand it was not fair to the students that didn’t have to because they didn’t get the chance to fix their test after they’d already seen it. 

Students could have discussed answers with friends and go back the next day to revise their mistakes so they could get a better grade, but not every student got this opportunity.

Using computers is not always trust worthy. They can glitch and cause more problems. There is still a chance that some students lost answers or some answers got switched around. You can’t always be 100% sure with technology.

This test is taken to evaluate students’ knowledge, to see if teachers did their job through out the school year. Our scores are compared to other schools and help the state rank each school. How can the state really know this if the test was taken at unequal circumstances.

Students should have gotten the chance to input their opinion on whether or not the STAAR should have been taken on computers. This may have been easier for all the proctors and test graders, but in the end the students are the ones that are really affected by this test. They should have a say about the test that determines if they graduate from high school. 

Hopefully next year the school board will look into these problems and make a decision that will help the students and not themselves. 

Taking the STAAR on computers was not the best idea and it led to too many problems. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

SNO online papers

Is Uber Really Safe?
1. Blake Gomez
2. He is addressing the safety issues of taking an Uber.
3. "It is perfectly okay to use Uber but people should be wary of the high risk involved with using it."
4. Yes, he said why people use Uber but also why they shouldn't.
5. He was a little wishy washy, he wrote more about why Ubers weren't safe but then he said "It is perfectly okay to use Uber" so I was confused on what his opinion really was.
6. No quotes
7. 2nd pov

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Coming Into La Joya
1. Melanie Gaxiola
2. She is talking about all the things she doesn't like about La Joya high school.
3. "I was also pretty lucky to move schools with my best friend, so I wasn't completely alone, but nonetheless, I made new friends rather quickly."
4. No, she just listed all the things she didn't like about the school and not what other people may think.
5. Yes, she was wishy washy. She made a list of all these things she hated about coming into this new school, but then at the end she talked about how it wasn't that bad and she felt lucky, so she never really had a straight opinion.
6. No quotes
7. 1st pov

What should you do when stopped by the police?
1. Rosalba Hernandez
2. This is about the appropriate way to act when you are pulled over by the police.
3. "Don't run or resist arrest. Also, don't complain or tell the police they're wrong or that you're going to file a complaint."
4. Yes, he said what to do and what not to do in this situation.
5. No, he said what he thought was appropriate to do in this situation by stating facts and giving suggestions on how to act.
6. Yes, there was quotes.
7. 3rd pov

Personal Essays

1. Be sure your essay is about something you are passionate for and care strongly about.
2. Make your emotions real and immediate by noting specifics and details that draw the reader into the experience, rather than just setting them aside as observers.
  • Writing essays in a great way to get your opinions off your chest, but avoid philosophical rants which make no connection to your reader’s experience. Again, keep it personal while relating to a wider world.
  • Make connections. If you’re writing about a global theme (poverty, unemployment, child abuse) bring the subject closer to home by relating it to specific, individual examples. If you’re writing about more mundane subjects (left-hand turn signals, the search for the best French Fries, your daughter’s graduation) again, set your views against a wider backdrop or perspective so the reader can relate to it.
  • Personal essays by definition contain a personal perspective. You should be there. Watch your construction. If every sentence begins “I”, you need to rephrase to provide a better rhythm and pace to your piece.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

opinions writing preview activity

Apple refuses to violate privacy of users
1. Editorial
2. The FBI is trying to get Apple to make a software that will allow them to see everything on someone's phone. Apple refuses to violate their consumers's privacy so the FBI must come up with another way to find evidence.
3. "Here, the risk isn't worth the potential consequences, which would be much worse for the country and all iPhone users."
4. Yes, he gives an alternative for the FBI.
5. No they were not wishy washy. S/he stated the facts and gave her/his opinion on why the FBI is wrong for doing this. S/he did not give any additional information that contradicted their opinion.
6. There are no quotes in the story.
7. 3rd pov

Drug dog investigations have students feeling as though their rights are being violated at school
1. Granger Coats
2. Though school safety is crucial, the rules and the way they handle student offenses isn't right and not fair to the students.                          
3. "Ultimately, it creates a sense of fear and hostility amongst teenagers. An overbearing force that has no place within the walls of a successful classroom."
4. Yes, he does say how our school needs safety and he supports the strengthening of effective security.
5. No, he stuck with his opinion and gave facts that supported his opinion.
6. There are no quotes.
7. 1st pov

Social media, back at it again
1. Alicia Molina
2. This story is about internet fame and the result of the famous "damn Daniel".
3. "I think that it's great that people are using their fame for good and they are not keeping it all to themselves, we need more people like Daniel and Josh who use fame for good."
4. No she just gave one side and opinion of the situation.
5. No, she shared her thoughts internet fame and didn't give any other contradicting details.
6. She quoted a tweet from Daniel and the saying "Damn Daniel".
7. 1st pov

Beyonce causes controversy
1. Fuaad Ajaz
2. This is about Beyoncé's formation video and the controversy it aroused.
3. "This goes to show how messed up America is right now."
4. Sort of, he gave his opinion and how he agreed with Beyoncé's views, he also shared a little of the way other American's think about black people.
5. No, he did really good at stating the facts of the Formation video that supported the topic of racism in America.
6. Yes
7. 3rd pov

Is the AP world history test worth it?
1. Mia Barbosa
2. This is about the benefits of taking the AP world history test.
3. "I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college."
4. Yes, she talks about why students wouldn't want to take the test but she gives solutions.
5. No, she states her opinion and backs it up with good reasoning and facts.
6. There are no quotes.
7. 1st pov

A. In a hard news story there are more quotes but in a opinion writing it's mostly just the writer speaking. In hard news you don't really have much of an opinion, you're just stating what has happened. For opinion writing there didn't seem to be much a format to follow, they just stated what they thought and backed it up.

B. I don't think there was photos because photos refer to a specific moment or event and in these writings they were just giving there opinion on an overall topic.

C. - Teachers taking students' phones
- should the STAAR be taken online
- scheduling for Bowie next year

Peer Review SoM

Paragraphs - 50 points
5 quotes - 25 points
Inverted Pyramid - 25 points
Bonus - 10 points
TOTAL - 110 points

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Action Photos - Extra Credit

Earthquake story

On Monday morning, at 8:12 PDT, a powerful earthquake rocked the San Francisco Bay area. It was brutal for people all around the county.

Three of the six people injured were hurt seriously enough to require hospitalization and were transported to Hayward General Hospital.

“The epicenter of the earthquake, which had a magnitude of 6.4 on the Richter scale, was under the Hayward Hills,” according to Penny Gertz, a scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, “the quake was a strong one and it occurred on the Hayward Fault, which runs under the hills.”

A building housing McHenry’s Auto Supply at 2342 Plum St. partially collapsed, killing two people and injuring six others, according to Jennifer Vu, a public information officer from the Hayward Fire Department.

“Names of the dead are being withheld pending notifications of families,” Vu said.

Hayward Resident Mike Beamer, whose apartment is across the street from McHenry’s, said he felt a rolling motion that lasted about 30 seconds, with a big jolt coming in the middle.

“I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling. I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement slew through my kitchen window. That’s when the screaming started across the street,” said Beamer.

Hayward firefighters used ropes to stabilize the auto supply shop, conducting a search of the building and capped a gas line after detecting a gas leak at the sight.

“Twenty-one fire personnel, 12 police and five American Red Cross workers responded to the building collapse, with some arriving within four minutes of the quake,” Vu said.

“People as far south as Los Angeles and as far north as Redding  felt the quake,” Gertz said.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Huntington Story

On Wednesday night, around 10 o’ clock, 53 year old, Janice Jones was shot in the leg after her dog knocked her 9 mm handgun off a seat.

Jones was transported from her motor home to the Huntington Beach Hospital via ambulance then later was transported to Irvine Medical Center.

Jones was eating pork chops in the back of her motor home, which was parked on Beach Boulevard near Highway 1, when the weapon hit the floor and was discharged.

“The bullet passed through Jones; leg and through the side of the vehicle,” said California Highway Patrol press liaison Tammy Rye.

Jim Washington, a spokesperson for Huntington Beach Hospital, confirmed Jones was treated at the hospital but no additional information.

“It could have been worse,” Rye said, “The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank.”

Jones’ Pomeranian, named Tombo, was placed in the care of the Huntington Beach Animal Control officers. The dog seemed to be malnourished and had fresh cigarette burns on its forehead.

“It could have done with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops,” said Janet Ngo, one of the animal control officers, “My office will explore filing animal abuse charges against Jones.”

Turns out officers cited Jones for expired plates and the county’s district attorney’s office was considering whether to charge her in relation to the gun accident.

“Jones doesn’t have a permit for the gun,” Rye said.

News Values

Radicalization of a Belgium Student Turned Bomb Maker Was Invisible
This story is driven by timeliness because this unfortunate event happened recently. On March 22 Najim Lachroui set off a bomb in an airport.

UT student from Oregon found dead on Texas Campus
This is driven by proximity because this event actually took place in Austin, Texas. It makes you more worried and vigilant in the downtown area of your own city.

Iceland's Prime Minister Steps Down Amid Panama Paper Scandal
This story is driven by prominence because the Prime Minister of a country is an important individual who is considered "newsworthiness". Since he was involved in a big scandal this makes for a very newsworthy story.

Bold Zika mosquitoes love to hang with humans
This story is driven by impact because the Zika virus affects people around the world. This article raises awareness of the virus and educates people on its causes and affects.

How Hillary Clinton should debate Donald Trump.
This is driven by conflict because it is telling the views of two opposing presidential candidates. The article talks about some of Clinton's views that contradict with Trump's.

Pay Just Pennies For Brand-New Electronics
This story is driven by novelty because it is very rare to buy expensive electronics like MacBooks and Gopros for under $50. Many people would definitely read about how they can do this.

Human Interest
Boko Haram Turns Female captives Into Terrorists
This story is driven by human interest because of the emotional struggle of innocent women being forced to do inhumane things. This story appeals to peoples sad and sympathetic emotions.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Nut Graf

Nut Graf is a slang word used in American English journalism. It is usually in a feature story and explains the news value of the story. In other words it summarizes the essence of the story for the readers. They say it is called the nut graf because like the nut it contains the "kernel," or essential theme of the story.

A nut graf puts the story in context and tells readers why they should be reading the story. Many editors say the nut graf is the most important section of the story because it tells readers the value of the story and makes them want to keep reading. The nut graf basically tells you the importance of a story.

Student of the month story

Who - Ivy Freels
What - She won student of the month
When - For the month of April in 2016
Where - Bowie High school
Why - She has showed excellent performance in and out of school
How - Teachers nominated her

Ivy Freels has shown her teachers and peers that she is a hard worker in and out of school. The Bowie administration has nominated her for the April student of the month.

Student of the month is an honored award that recognizes students for their hard work and dedication. Freels has definitely proven that she deserves this award.

"Ivy has really shown excellent performance this school year," said english teacher Joyce Brisco, "It's amazing how she keeps up her great grades while still being so involved."

Ivy has a busy schedule that hardly has room for relaxing and hanging out with friends.

“I am a varsity cheerleader here at Bowie,” Freels said, “I am also in theater, art, and key club.”

Ivy does great in her academics. She takes pre-ap world geography and biology and regular english and algebra.

“I have only chosen to take two pre-ap classes to balance my work load,” Freels said, “I want to maintain my straight A’s.”

In the classroom Ivy stays focused and puts all her effort into her work. She has a close relationship with all of her teachers so she’s never afraid to ask for help or come in for tutoring.

“Ivy is one of my brightest students and I know I can always expect excellent work from her,” said biology teacher Jill Harding.

Ivy’s secret to her success is staying positive no matter what challenges she faces. She is known for being so vibrant and lively.

“Ivy is very funny and always has a smile on her face,” said Samantha Wesley, “I always know I can count on her to cheer me up when I’m having a bad day.”

Outside of school is just as busy for Ivy as it is during school. She is involved in many other organizations.

“I do competitions with the All Star cheerleading team at Texas Power Athletics,” Ivy said, “I also volunteer at food banks and animal shelters with my church youth group.”

After high school Ivy hopes to be a cheerleader at the University of Kentucky. Then she wants receive a masters degree in whatever major she will later decide.

“I definitely believe Ivy will make it as a college cheerleader,” said Coach Irving, “she works very hard and has a lot of potential.”

Ivy has a lot of pressure on her but she is very motivated.

“I am so honored and humbled to receive this award,” Ivy says, “I would not have been able to do it if it wasn’t for my great friends and wonderful family who have kept me motivated.”