Friday, February 26, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4

Front Page
SL Parade on March 10
The student leadership class has planed a No Place for Hate parade on March 10. Their goal is to celebrate student diversity and to put an end to discrimination. They've had some challenges planning this but they're excited to see the turn out.
Who? The student leadership class.
What? Trying to create Bowie's first ever No Place for Hate parade.
When? March 10.
Where? Around the whole school.
Why? Trying to raise awareness to bullying issues.
How? Fit will be extended to 45 minutes and the parade will march around the Bowie campus.
Aleka Neptune, Patricia Maney, and Vickie Benson were quoted in this story.
Yes, the lead sentence did make me want to keep reading because they were talking about a parade and Bowie has never had one so it made me want to read more and see what it was about.
The conclusion was a quote.

Student Life
Hip-hop dancer excels with passions
Yullissa Reyes has grown as a dancer through out the years.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Front Pages of the World

1. My favorite front page was The Sun from San Bernardino, California. This was my favorite because I liked the colors and different fonts/sizes they used. I also liked the photos they used and how they incorporated them with text.

2. My favorite headline is A Swift Return because I can tell they are going to talk about Taylor Swift at The Grammy's last night which I didn't get to watch and I'm interested to read about her huge achievement and how she made history last night.

3. The front page has 7 stories.

4. I noticed that all the front pages had a picture that was very large and in the middle and it had a large headline to go with it. Then off to the sides were other stories with smaller or no pictures and they were put in little columns.  I also noticed that they all had the date, a website, the weather, the price, and a barcode.

5. I noticed that they had a variety of advertisements around the edges. I also noticed that they used different fonts and placements for the name of their newspaper.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Extra Credit

I really liked reading all of the intresting articles and seeing the great photos and videos on Lens ( Lens keeps you updated with the daily news but rather than just hearing it on the news, you get to see it through the photographer's lens. They write about the problems, big events, and any other news stories from around the world. Not only do they write about it, but they give you photos and videos to look at so you get a better understanding of the story.  In addition, they also give in depth photo essays that tell important stories that you don't get to read in the headlines. When you read a newspaper or just hear a story on the news you may not process it the same as you do when you see it on Lens. Lens lets you physically see the story so you actually know what you're reading and what it really looks like. This is a great alternative for those who want to know about the news but don't really comprehend things through reading or can't keep up when someone is just speaking the story. I will add this website to my bookmarks because I am one who wants to know about the news around the world but wouldn't take the time out of my day to read a newspaper or watch the news. With this I am more interested in what I am reading and can actually grasp the information. I would recommend this website because it gives you very interesting global news through the lens of a photographer.

On a scale of 1-5 I give this website a 5 because it does such a great job of uncovering important news feed without making you want to go look at something else. It actually helps you comprehend what you're reading.

I shared this website because the way they give news and information really opens up your eyes to the problems around the world and I think it's good for people to be aware of this website because it can really help you do that. There was a really interesting story about the horrible air pollution in Pittsburgh and how it is affecting its citizens. This story really caught my eye because the photos were amazing. They captured the damages, cause of the problem, and the innocent people who were being affected. It really made me see the tragedy and have more emotion and sympathy towards the people.