Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Prompt shoot peer review

1. My favorite photo is the one called connected with the girl jumping. I like this one because the girl's pose is very funny and uncommon. I also like how she captured her hair while it was still up in the air.

2. My least favorite is the one called pause with the three friends jumping together. This is my least favorite because she could have cropped more around the edges to get rid of unneeded space. Also, she didn't really capture them while in mid air like the other photos; she took the photo too early/late.

3. Overall, she did a good job at taking ordinary subjects and creating fun, unique photos out of them. I also think her photos have really good exposure, the lighting is perfect.

4. She could have focused a little more on the angles that she took the photos from because some of the people come too close to the edge or have body parts completely cut out of the photo; avoid mergers.

5. From my perspective, connected was the best portrayed photo because the two people are physically connected by holding hand and it socially connected because they both have a comical pose and look on their face.

6. In my opinion, footprints was the least successfully portrayed because a girl jumping in the air doesn't have much to do with footprints, but thats just how I see it.

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