Friday, January 22, 2016

Magazine Cover Peer Review

1. I looked at the Austere magazine by Carolynne Andres.
2. I like the tone and the shade of the portrait you used. I also like how all the light colors you used for your headlines contrast with the background so you have no trouble reading them. Your cover has an overall really nice, retro style that I found really unique.

3. You could have cut out the extra space next to the title so you can see more of your face.

4. This cover had a great portrait with a more serious and dark tone then the others. Mixed with the really pretty pastel headline colors, the cover really caught my eye.

5. Yes, there is a barcode with appropriate spacing, size, and location.

6. If I was in barnes and noble I probably would not pick up this magazine because I usually go for the ones with brighter pictures and more headlines.

7. I can tell this is a self portrait because this one was taken at a more up close angle unlike the other one being at far away, lower angle.

1. I looked at the Autumn Illustrated magazine by Isabella.
2. I really like your overall fall theme with the pretty leaves in the back, the headlines colors, and the title, they go together so well. I also like the fonts you used and how you did the black borders around the letters.
3. When you put headlines in lighter areas of your photo you could have used darker colors for your words so you can read the headlines easier.

4. I picked this cover because it looked so bright and happy and the colors looked pretty.

5. Yes, there is a barcode with appropriate sizing and spacing.

6. If I was in barnes and noble I most likely would pick up this magazine because like I said its so happy and bright and has a good number of headlines.

7. I can't tell if this is a portrait or self portrait because both covers were taken from the same angle, in the same place.

1. I looked at the Cursive Club magazine by Bella.
2. I really like your layout and how you chose to put all your headlines to the right of your model. I also like the light exposure of the portrait and how you used a small f stop to blur out everything in the back.
3. The headlines are a little small and could be made bigger for others to be able to read the cover easier and from farther away.
4. I chose this cover because all the colors in the photo and the headlines look so good together. In addition, your model's presence in the photo is so powerful and that really caught my eye.

5. Yes, there is a barcode in the appropriate place with appropriate sizing.

6. If I was in barnes and noble I would pick up this magazine because the photo really catches my attention and the unique title would make me want to read more.

7. The only reason I knew this was a self portrait is because I know the girl and her name isn't Bella.

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