Friday, January 22, 2016

Yearbook Introduction

Every yearbook should have...
  1. page numbers.
  2. the year, somewhere on the cover.
  3. a section dedicated to all the sports/cheer/dance.
  4. pages dedicated to the school events that happened through out the year.
  5. a section dedicated to all the clubs and other extra curricular activities.
  6. pages dedicated to the electives.
  7. interviews from students.
  8. pictures of what went on inside the classrooms.
  9. every students' portrait (obviously).
  10. the name of the school somewhere on the cover.
  11. pictures of the students' lives outside of school.
  12. the latest trends and fashion and lifestyles.
  13. what went on in the news/economy that year.
  14. what went on in the music and entertainment industry that year.
  15. those things that parents send with your baby picture.
  16. an index the back in alphabetical order.
  17. pictures of the teachers.
  18. the school's address.
  19. a section dedicated to the people graduating.
  20. pictures of the relationships.
  21. a picture of the physical school.
  22. the different cultures around the school.
  23. titles and captions that tell what's going on.
  24. volume number.
  25. class favorites.
  1. The title of the yearbook is It's Not Just Black And White...
  2. It is from Jefferson High School.
  3. From the beginning to the end the yearbook shows black and white pictures with splatters of color.
  4. My book has 7 sections.
  5. My favorite spread is the one called Livin' a Young Life because it has interesting pictures and captions of what kids at their school do at young life.
  6. Yes, there is an index.
  7. Yes, there is photos of the clubs and organizations.
  8. No, there is not a table of contents.
  9. The school has about 1,200 students
  10. My book is from Minnesota.

Magazine Cover Peer Review

1. I looked at the Austere magazine by Carolynne Andres.
2. I like the tone and the shade of the portrait you used. I also like how all the light colors you used for your headlines contrast with the background so you have no trouble reading them. Your cover has an overall really nice, retro style that I found really unique.

3. You could have cut out the extra space next to the title so you can see more of your face.

4. This cover had a great portrait with a more serious and dark tone then the others. Mixed with the really pretty pastel headline colors, the cover really caught my eye.

5. Yes, there is a barcode with appropriate spacing, size, and location.

6. If I was in barnes and noble I probably would not pick up this magazine because I usually go for the ones with brighter pictures and more headlines.

7. I can tell this is a self portrait because this one was taken at a more up close angle unlike the other one being at far away, lower angle.

1. I looked at the Autumn Illustrated magazine by Isabella.
2. I really like your overall fall theme with the pretty leaves in the back, the headlines colors, and the title, they go together so well. I also like the fonts you used and how you did the black borders around the letters.
3. When you put headlines in lighter areas of your photo you could have used darker colors for your words so you can read the headlines easier.

4. I picked this cover because it looked so bright and happy and the colors looked pretty.

5. Yes, there is a barcode with appropriate sizing and spacing.

6. If I was in barnes and noble I most likely would pick up this magazine because like I said its so happy and bright and has a good number of headlines.

7. I can't tell if this is a portrait or self portrait because both covers were taken from the same angle, in the same place.

1. I looked at the Cursive Club magazine by Bella.
2. I really like your layout and how you chose to put all your headlines to the right of your model. I also like the light exposure of the portrait and how you used a small f stop to blur out everything in the back.
3. The headlines are a little small and could be made bigger for others to be able to read the cover easier and from farther away.
4. I chose this cover because all the colors in the photo and the headlines look so good together. In addition, your model's presence in the photo is so powerful and that really caught my eye.

5. Yes, there is a barcode in the appropriate place with appropriate sizing.

6. If I was in barnes and noble I would pick up this magazine because the photo really catches my attention and the unique title would make me want to read more.

7. The only reason I knew this was a self portrait is because I know the girl and her name isn't Bella.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Prompt shoot peer review

1. My favorite photo is the one called connected with the girl jumping. I like this one because the girl's pose is very funny and uncommon. I also like how she captured her hair while it was still up in the air.

2. My least favorite is the one called pause with the three friends jumping together. This is my least favorite because she could have cropped more around the edges to get rid of unneeded space. Also, she didn't really capture them while in mid air like the other photos; she took the photo too early/late.

3. Overall, she did a good job at taking ordinary subjects and creating fun, unique photos out of them. I also think her photos have really good exposure, the lighting is perfect.

4. She could have focused a little more on the angles that she took the photos from because some of the people come too close to the edge or have body parts completely cut out of the photo; avoid mergers.

5. From my perspective, connected was the best portrayed photo because the two people are physically connected by holding hand and it socially connected because they both have a comical pose and look on their face.

6. In my opinion, footprints was the least successfully portrayed because a girl jumping in the air doesn't have much to do with footprints, but thats just how I see it.

Prompt Shoot





Tuesday, January 5, 2016


The beautiful scenery captured in this photo really caught my eye. The hue of the clouds mixed with the blue sky really contrasts with the color of the mountains and the trees. I like how the scene reflects off the water and creates a mirror effect. The quiet and stillness of the photo really contributes to its overall beauty. In one word I would describe this photo as tranquil.

I love this photo because the photographer did a good job at making you feel like you're the one riding the sled. He created a motion blur which makes it look like you are actually rushing through the forest. Then he used the sled, dogs, and trees to create depth and make it look like you're heading somewhere far away. I get a positive connotation from this photo of joy and happiness.

This photo is very extraordinary. The facial expressions captured on everyone's face is very humorous. It surprises me how the photographer had the nerve to take this photo because if I was in this situation, I would be paralyzed in fear. I continue to wonder how and why this polar bear was inside of a London train station.

Best of 2015

A ton of people may disagree but the best song of 2015 was What Do You Mean by Justin Bieber. Justin mad very poor decisions from the previous year which led him to an extreme downfall in society. Many people saw him as a delinquent and that was a hard reputation to shake. Justin proved them wrong and made a huge come back during the fall of 2015. What Do You Mean was just one of his many new songs but I like it the most because it has a unique sound and is sung by an AMAZING person.

Not very many memorable movies came out in 2015 but the best one in my opinion was Inside Out. It rated number two on the top 100 movies of 2015 with about 301 million views. Inside Out had a very cute and unique way of showing how your brain functions and the reasons why you do and feel things. All though the ending wasn't great, the movie had a great plot.

The most important news story in 2015 was the series of terrorist attacks in Paris. The attacks took place in public locations, a very popular restaurant, a large stadium where a soccer game was taking place, and a theater containing over one thousand people for a concert. Unfortunately 130 people were killed and several injured. People around the world mourned over this tragic event and showed their support for Paris.

The most important person of 2015 was the black lives matter activists. They brought attention to a serious problem that had been taking place through out the year. Blacks were being treated in an unfair manner, especially by white cops. Many were getting punishment for the wrong reasons, some were shot and even a young boy was killed. The activists created necessary revolts and made major news.

The biggest entertainment story of 2015 was the crazy screw up at the Miss Universe pageant. The host, Steve Harvey, mistakenly announced the first runner up as the winner. After Miss Colombia accepted her crown, she was forced to give it up for the real winner, Miss Philippians. This event was not only embarrassing to Miss Colombia but to Steve Harvey as well. This televised event had people shocked around the world.

My Winter Break
1. This winter break I had an unforgettable trip with my best friend, Katherine. We performed during halftime at the Alamo Bowl in San Antonio! We had a week full of dancing and enjoying the city. It was great experience, definitely one to remember.

2. This year I would like to maintain a high GPA and stop procrastinating with all of my homework. I often found myself in stressful situations that could've been easily prevented so this year I hope to not make these same mistakes. I would also like to continue improving in dance, there's always something new to learn or something to better myself at and I know hard work is the way to go.

3. This year I am looking forward to my summer vacation. I am going to a camp with my church that is going to be held in Colorado. I've always wanted to go to Colorado because in my opinion it's such a quality state and looks beautiful year round. In addition, I look forward to my sophomore year because I will officially be a Silver Star! I hope 2016 will be as good or even better than last year.