Thursday, December 3, 2015

Magazine Tips

When designing a magazine cover...

1. Have a cover that arouses curiosity. Have something that will catch someones eye while they're browsing through the magazines and make them want to read more.

2. Make sure the cover is interesting and mentally appealing. In other words, have something that promises benefits to the readers and makes them feel more obligated to buy the magazine.

3. Have a cover that makes the magazine look worth the investment and time. Particularly, have something that makes people feel like they will get a lot out of the magazine and its worth the buy.

4. Make sure the cover is efficient and easy to scan; the cover gives good information about whats inside, but its brief for the people who are just scanning the magazine.

5. Have cover that is emotionally irresistible; the image is too appealing not to buy and read about.

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