Wednesday, December 9, 2015

fashion photography

1. The model's lips, eyes, and eyebrows were made larger. Her hair was made longer, fuller, and more voluminous. Then they lowered her shoulders and made her neck longer.

2. Her eyes were made bigger, nose smaller, and lips fuller. All the freckles were removed from her face and her entire body was shaded a different color. Her breast were curved, legs and neck elongated, shoulders raised, and flattened stomach. She was created into a completely different person.

3. The model's legs, stomach, arms, hips, and head were made smaller. Then they curved her breasts more and made them larger. Her butt was made smaller and more round. Then they changed her hair and made it longer.

4. I think in some cases it is ethical to change a person's appearance with their consent, for example if someone has a blemish that unfortunately appeared on the day of the shoot. But to change someones whole body and create a completely different person from who you started with is not okay. It gives the world a message that everyone has to look the same way and it lowers people's self esteem.

5. I think it is more unethical when they change a persons actual body size rather than just changing their facial appearance. It creates unrealistic body ideals and make people think that if they don't look like that then they have an ugly body, but in reality nobody really looks like that.

6. It is OK to make eyes bigger or add a little skin tone or remove blemishes but it is NOT OK to completely change their whole body figure and size.

7. In my opinion, fashion photography is fake. All they're trying to do is sell their products by either using unnaturally skinny women or photoshopping people to be completely unrealistic. Models in fashion photography go through so much anxiety to please the people. In photojournalism, the models can be anyone and anywhere. It is documenting the reality and true beauty of the world. Photojournalism sees everything as a work of art that needs to be captured.

8. In fashion photography, manipulating photos is more understandable because they're trying to catch peoples attention and sell their products. In photojournalism pictures shouldn't really be manipulated because they're documenting the truth and if that was changed then it just be a complete lie.

9. I think you are showing us these videos so we can see what is happening behind the scenes in these types of shoots. I also think so you can prove your point of why we need to be insightful while photoshopping our own images.

10. In our day and society females are put under pressure with certain standards they must meet when it comes to appearance. We are apparently supposed to have the ideal skinny body and youthful face. With males their isn't much of a standard.

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