Tuesday, November 24, 2015

American Soldier

A. The most powerful image from this slideshow was the one when Ian Fisher got to come home and be reunited with his loved ones, as all the other soldiers did in the background. This really touched me because it brought me back to the time when my mom, brother and I went to go pick up my dad from the airport when he returned from Iraq. It was one of the happiest days in my life.

Set 1 - at home - #1 to #3
Set 2 - basic training -  #4 to #13
Set 3 - in Iraq - #14 to #27
#28 back at home

C. I think set 2 is the most powerful set of images because they captured Ian transitioning to the rough life of being an American soldier. He had to give up is life at home and train for war. This gave me insight to all the challenges my dad goes through as a soldier and made me thankful for these soldiers who risk their lives for our country.

D. The images show Ian's transition from a typical young adult to a dedicated soldier. In the beginning, you can see him enjoying the time he has left with his friends and family. Then you see him become more serious and train for war. Lastly, Ian has become a man devoted to serving his country.

E. The verbs are usually written in present tense.

F. The captions enhance the photo by giving you specific detail to what is actually happening. It helps you connect and get a deeper meaning from the story.

G. After Ian graduated from high school he had to enjoy the  little time he had left at home before he went off to training. At training he faced many mental and physical challenges that prepared him for war in Iraq. In Iraq Ian became a leader who was solemnly dedicated to his tasks as a soldier. When Ian got home, he reunited with his girlfriend who then became his finance.

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