Thursday, May 12, 2016

car raid preview

1. I will do the car raid on my friend, Madison.
2. I will complete this next weekend.
3. Are there any interesting stories that took place in this car? How and what kind of music do you listen to? To where do you normally drive your car? Is there any damage done to the car that has a story?
4. I will write down little details of the car and its overall condition to get a better knowledge of her personality.

Friday, May 6, 2016

merger photos

1. Her shadow is cut off in one of the poses. When I take my photos I need to make sure my camera doesn't shift and mess up alignment and cut out important things in my photo.
2. A good place to take these photos would be in front of one the brick walls so the background is plane and doesn't take away from your photo.
3. In each photo I would make different pose and change the depth of my location. Each pose will somehow interact with each other.
4. I don't think your clothes would really affect the essence of the photo.


1. My favorite photo is the first one of the guy standing in the water, throwing a long fishing line out in the distance. The photo has a lot of depth with the grass on the foreground, forest on the mid ground, and the mountains out in the distance.
2. Most of these photos look too high quality to be taken with a phone, especially the panoramas. They have such great exposure and clarity that you would think a camera captured these images.
3. I think the apps used help bring out the color and make the lighting better in the photos.
4. Tap the screen to make sure the lighting is right for the photo & compose the photo precisely how you want them so you don't have to crop later and have a pixelated photo.

HDR intro

1. You must manipulate the shutter speed in each shot to change the light exposure.
2. You would need a tripod to make sure the camera stays in place so each of your photos looks the same. You will also need the editing program to merge the photos.
3. Someone may take an HDR photo to capture great scenery and make sure every aspect of the photo is showing.
4.  In the final product everything will be well lit and even. Anything that was too light or too dark in the original photos will merge and come out to be one beautiful photo.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

final exam planning

1. I will shoot this after school over the next few weeks.
2. I will shoot at my house.
3. I'll be documenting the process of my room being renovated. 
4. All I need is a camera and then everything it will take to remake my room.
5. I will take images take 1 photo per hour each day we are working on my room. At the beginning and at the end I will take a video going around my whole room to show all the progress that was made. During the videos I will narrate how my room started out and how it finished. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016

iMovie preview

1. iMovie is a simple to use and gives you a wide variety of choices. All you need to do is find your files,  place your videos or pictures in the timeline, and from there you can drag and drop in any order you'd like. From there you can add your own audio, speed, and other video editing effects.
The 3 main parts to iMovie is the view screen, clip spin, and timeline. The timeline is where you can view all the material that you have placed in your movie. The clip spin is where you get all the videos you want to place in your timeline. The view screen is where you watch your movie progress.
2. I already knew how to edit the speed and audio on my footage.
3. The timeline can be viewed at two different modes; the times mode and the clips mode.
4. I'm worried that I won't have enough photos to make up all my time. I'm also worried that my photos will be really really bad.
5. I'm confident that I will have my videos done and ready to use.
6. I think I'll make a cake and show the process and final product.